Monday, December 3, 2012

I Heart Faces December Photo Challenge: 30 Day

These are things on Facebook that people use
to do, I am guilty of doing them as well.
And I havnt done one in a long time so
I thought I would do this one.

I have 1-3 already done so I will go ahead and 
post those on this post.

Day One:

Not the Best Picture of me, but it will do.

Day Two: 
An Elf
I thought this one was gonna be hard....LOL NOT.
Its December and luckly my sister that I am currently
living with loves christmas ergo...
Christmas Decorations! 
And this cute antique elf,
it was her grandmothers...or great grandmothers.
Anyway I liked it better than the ever popular
Even though this I think was an elf on a shelf.
Aslo this photo will be in the elf on a shelf contest on
To view more elfs on shelfs

Click Me!

Day Three:
What you are Reading.

Ugh, I dont read. 
I think I have finished two books in my whole life.
One when I was little called "nobody wants Barkley"
As sad and depressing book "For Kids" that 
a lonely kid like myself shouldn't read.
The other being "wishful drinking" by Carrie Fisher.
Loved it!
But if I found reading to be a hobby, 
I imagine I would read these books 
I found in my sisters bookshelf. 
PS: I have read some of the bottom book....

Thanks for looking!!!
More to come tomorrow and the rest of December!!

For more stuff like this by other people and future 

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